Welcome to a world where we love ourselves. This is the place where we can learn to love each other.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Stress Management

In our world we deal with stress all the time. Many dont realize how harmful it can be. The stress response (a physical and chemical response for dealing with stressful situations) has developed over thousands of years. Our ancestors used the stress response in critical life or death situations. E.g. An angry tiger wants to make you his next meal. You must either run away or fight. Either choice requires a quick response. Your sight and hearing improve, more blood flows to the hands and feet, breath and heart rate increase, and digestion stops. All these changes help you to survive this situation.

The challenges we face today are different than our ancestors but the stress response remains the same. E.g. Your boss is mad because you didn't turn in your reports on time. The stress response activates. Your sight and hearing improve, more blood flows to the hands and feet, breath and heart rate increase, and digestion stops. None of these changes will help you complete the reports quickly and and effectively. You need to think clearly and stay organized to finish the task and the stress response makes this more difficult. It is designed to assist in times of extreme physical need, but here you need increased mental power.

The stress response is activated by the emotional part of our brain. Because your mind is so powerful it can override the changes produced by the stress response. When you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed there are three simple steps to handle the situation:

1. Stop

2. Breathe deeply

3. Think-- What are my options?

This will free you of the stress and allow you to think clearly. When you understand the continual feeling of stress is a choice your life can change dramatically. Effective use of this ancient process allows us to perform incredible physicals feats in critical situations and also to shut it down when we need mental clarity in the daily challenges of life.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lets Live Longer

We are not living up to our potential for a long and healthy life. The average life expectancy in the US is about 78 even though there are many places throughout the world where people often live more than 100 years.

These areas where people live longer include Okinawa, Japan, Sardinia, Italy, and the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica.

Many people believe that genetics plays a big role in your health and longevity but research shows that genetics determines only 25%. The choices you make in life determine the rest.

There are several factors common throughout these areas where people live the longest.

Limit Meat

A diet consisting of beans, whole grains, vegetables, and other plant foods promotes a healthy body. Our bodies have difficulty digesting meat so it is best to avoid it.

Eat Less

The biggest health problem in the US is overconsumption. This increases the risk of many health problems including: obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and chronic fatigue. Okinawan elders remind the young of these words: hara hachi bu -- a reminder to stop eating when you are 80% full. Our stomaches start off small when we are young but will expand when we eat too much. This causes us to eat more because we don't feel full. By eating less it is easier to maintain a healthy weight.

More Activity, Less Exercise

Our bodies are designed to move. When we sit in an office all day, drive our cars home, and watch TV at night we are not making use of our gifts. Because people feel they have to move around to stay healthy they buy gym memberships to run on treadmills and lift weights. These actions only work our bodies in isolation.

Activities such as as hiking, tending a garden, dancing, climbing trees, and martial arts work the whole body and are fun. Daily activity improves our balance and mind body connection and keeps us healthy for years to come.

Try some red wine

Moderation is key for everything in your life and drinking is no different. Research shows that people who drink a glass of red wine a day may reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease later in life. If you often drink beer or hard liquor consider switching to red wine. If you do not drink alcohol I cannot recommend that you start drinking now.

Connect with your Family
You chose your family when you were born because you had something to teach them and also to learn from them. When you establish strong family relationships it creates a space to learn and grow together and people to turn to for support and celebration. Your parents are the first people who you learn from and connect with. Because of this, people with weak family relationships are more likely to develop emotional problems and connecting with other people.

Develop a Sense of Purpose in Life
We all have a reason to live. One of the greatest challenges in life is finding out what this is. Search for whatever it is that excites you and gets you going in the morning. When you believe you have a purpose in life everything you do becomes more enjoyable from eating meals, working, to your daily interactions with people.

Life is a journey so be sure to have fun along the way. It can be easy to get so caught up with what you want to achieve that you lose enjoyment on the path that gets you there. Remember that moderation is important in everything you do. Don't focus so much on what you have to do that life becomes a drag. In the end your life is measured not by how long it is but by what you do while you're here.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Stress and Relaxation

Are you feeling stressed out? Often it can feel like there just isn't any time to relax. We work so much we may not even consider taking a break. This situation might seem like it happens all the time, but do you know just how harmful constant stress can be for you?

The stress response developed over time as a method of dealing with critical life or death situations. E.g. When you're hiking through the jungle and a tiger decides to make you its next meal your body goes into overdrive to protect itself. There are two options here: fight or flight. Either way you will need quick reactions so your heart and breath rate increase, more blood flows to the eyes, ears, hands, and feet while the digestive system shuts down. Once the threat is over the body will return to normal and may then begin to relax.

Relaxation is a chance to heal ourselves. We are blessed with the gift of an amazing immune system and the power of regeneration. As you relax, the heart and breath rates slow down and blood flows to the inner organs to aid in digestion. Every night when you go to sleep the body, mind, and soul rest and recharge. Relaxation is important for us not only when sleeping at night but throughout the day as well. This allows us to effectively deal with the challenges of life.

Although some of the challenges we face today are less dangerous than those of our ancestors we find them everywhere we go. Computer problems, paying bills on time, trouble with relationships, and traffic congestion are not usually life threatening situations; however, the stress hasn't changed for thousands of years. As Americans we suffer from many health problems because of constant stress. Appliances such as TVs, computers, and cell phones were supposed to save time and make life easier; however, they often have the opposite effect.

As our medical technologies become more advanced people continue to forget our amazing abilities to heal ourselves. Our ancestors knew how to promote healing of injuries and illnesses with various relaxation techniques using plants, stones, and meditation. Many people dismiss this as hocus-pocus with no real benefits, but with the understand of how your body and mind works comes an incredible power.

There is so much we can do to heal ourselves you might be wondering where to start. From now on, every morning when you wake and at night before you sleep give thanks to all your blessings. It can be so easy to obsess over everything we don't have that we forget about how rich our lives are. Give thanks to your parents, friends, and family. For having food to eat, a place to sleep and warm clothes. The opportunity to grow and learn. Having more than enough money for everything we will ever need. When we count our blessings it reminds us just how lucky we are.