Are you feeling stressed out? Often it can feel like there just isn't any time to relax. We work so much we may not even consider taking a break. This situation might seem like it happens all the time, but do you know just how harmful constant stress can be for you?
The stress response developed over time as a method of dealing with critical life or death situations. E.g. When you're hiking through the jungle and a tiger decides to make you its next meal your body goes into overdrive to protect itself. There are two options here: fight or flight. Either way you will need quick reactions so your heart and breath rate increase, more blood flows to the eyes, ears, hands, and feet while the digestive system shuts down. Once the threat is over the body will return to normal and may then begin to relax.
Relaxation is a chance to heal ourselves. We are blessed with the gift of an amazing immune system and the power of regeneration. As you relax, the heart and breath rates slow down and blood flows to the inner organs to aid in digestion. Every night when you go to sleep the body, mind, and soul rest and recharge. Relaxation is important for us not only when sleeping at night but throughout the day as well. This allows us to effectively deal with the challenges of life.
Although some of the challenges we face today are less dangerous than those of our ancestors we find them everywhere we go. Computer problems, paying bills on time, trouble with relationships, and traffic congestion are not usually life threatening situations; however, the stress hasn't changed for thousands of years. As Americans we suffer from many health problems because of constant stress. Appliances such as TVs, computers, and cell phones were supposed to save time and make life easier; however, they often have the opposite effect.
As our medical technologies become more advanced people continue to forget our amazing abilities to heal ourselves. Our ancestors knew how to promote healing of injuries and illnesses with various relaxation techniques using plants, stones, and meditation. Many people dismiss this as hocus-pocus with no real benefits, but with the understand of how your body and mind works comes an incredible power.
There is so much we can do to heal ourselves you might be wondering where to start. From now on, every morning when you wake and at night before you sleep give thanks to all your blessings. It can be so easy to obsess over everything we don't have that we forget about how rich our lives are. Give thanks to your parents, friends, and family. For having food to eat, a place to sleep and warm clothes. The opportunity to grow and learn. Having more than enough money for everything we will ever need. When we count our blessings it reminds us just how lucky we are.
The stress response developed over time as a method of dealing with critical life or death situations. E.g. When you're hiking through the jungle and a tiger decides to make you its next meal your body goes into overdrive to protect itself. There are two options here: fight or flight. Either way you will need quick reactions so your heart and breath rate increase, more blood flows to the eyes, ears, hands, and feet while the digestive system shuts down. Once the threat is over the body will return to normal and may then begin to relax.
Relaxation is a chance to heal ourselves. We are blessed with the gift of an amazing immune system and the power of regeneration. As you relax, the heart and breath rates slow down and blood flows to the inner organs to aid in digestion. Every night when you go to sleep the body, mind, and soul rest and recharge. Relaxation is important for us not only when sleeping at night but throughout the day as well. This allows us to effectively deal with the challenges of life.
Although some of the challenges we face today are less dangerous than those of our ancestors we find them everywhere we go. Computer problems, paying bills on time, trouble with relationships, and traffic congestion are not usually life threatening situations; however, the stress hasn't changed for thousands of years. As Americans we suffer from many health problems because of constant stress. Appliances such as TVs, computers, and cell phones were supposed to save time and make life easier; however, they often have the opposite effect.
As our medical technologies become more advanced people continue to forget our amazing abilities to heal ourselves. Our ancestors knew how to promote healing of injuries and illnesses with various relaxation techniques using plants, stones, and meditation. Many people dismiss this as hocus-pocus with no real benefits, but with the understand of how your body and mind works comes an incredible power.
There is so much we can do to heal ourselves you might be wondering where to start. From now on, every morning when you wake and at night before you sleep give thanks to all your blessings. It can be so easy to obsess over everything we don't have that we forget about how rich our lives are. Give thanks to your parents, friends, and family. For having food to eat, a place to sleep and warm clothes. The opportunity to grow and learn. Having more than enough money for everything we will ever need. When we count our blessings it reminds us just how lucky we are.
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